Pozíció kategóriák
- Adminisztráció, Asszisztens, Irodai munka
- Bank, Biztosítás, Bróker
- Cégvezetés, Menedzsment
- Egészségügy, Gyógyszeripar
- Építőipar, Ingatlan
- Értékesítés, Kereskedelem
- Fizikai, Segéd, Betanított munka
- Gyártás, Termelés
- HR, Munkaügy
- IT programozás, Fejlesztés
- IT üzemeltetés, Telekommunikáció
- Jog, Jogi tanácsadás
- Közigazgatás
- Marketing, Média, PR
- Mérnök
- Mezőgazdaság, Környezet
- Oktatás, Kutatás, Tudomány
- Pénzügy, Könyvelés
- Szakmunka
- Szállítás, Beszerzés, Logisztika
- Ügyfélszolgálat, Vevőszolgálat
- Üzleti támogató központok
- Vendéglátás, Hotel, Idegenforgalom
Full-stack Developer
Our partner is a worldwide energy enterprise engaged in all facets of the energy sector, striving to provide light, heat, and mobility to millions of individuals on a daily basis.
Main responsibilities:
- Collaborate within multidisciplinary teams including Software Engineers, Designers, and Product Owners to deliver value through specialized skills.
- Partner with vendors and partners to optimize the usage and value of technology platforms.
- Ensure operational integrity by adhering to architectural and security standards, as well as compliance and policy controls.
- Define and document standard run books and operating procedures.
- Create and maintain system information and architecture diagrams.
Required skills:
- 2+ years of experience in designing, building, and supporting complex enterprise software systems, covering design, deployment, production, and operational support.
- Strong analytical and problem-solving capabilities, with proficiency in understanding and interpreting data for both operational support and development tasks.
- Ability to develop partnerships and collaborate directly with users to understand processes, gather requirements and define solutions for improved products and services.
- Experience working with multi-disciplinary, geographically remote teams, engaging and influencing technical considerations on both technology and business fronts.
- Proficient in Azure DevOps, .NET Framework, C#, PowerShell, SQL, data structures, algorithms, design patterns, microservices development, web frontend development, and cloud-native technologies.
- Knowledgeable in modern Service Delivery methods such as Site Reliability Engineering and ITIL, with a grasp of product-based delivery, UI/UX experience, broader development expertise, and project management capabilities being desirable.